All kinds of writingLately Underwater On Planet Earth

Best Of Pacificklaus

I have now had this blog for over four years, and it’s interesting to see what posts and pages the people of the internet read most! Here are the five most read contributions since late 2012:

The Philippine Dive Map turned out to be very popular.

The “fish of the month” feature is always popular, especially the one about the Abyssal Assfish. What a fish!

My ramblings about buoyancy and underwater photography found a lot of readers.

And, this post about a crested horn shark in Sydney eating the egg of another shark was popular.

For a while a “design” of a new type of dive gear, which would generate oxygen by electrolysis from the water, went viral all over the diving part of the internet. The only problem is that there was no such device, and that the idea is highly unrealistic. Here I explain why.
