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Twenty-Five Future Dives

Online Extras below!

What will you see when you go diving in the future? That depends on the type of future that will play out. Will humanity stop its presently ever-increasing stress on our home planet’s marine ecosystems? Will we stop burning enormous amounts of fossil fuels? Will we stop throwing gigantic masses of plastic trash into the oceans? Will we regulate fishing and avoid further polluting the oceans? Depending on the answers to these important questions, different futures will give rise to different kinds of future diving. The book explores several possible futures and the various dives that will be possible.

You will be surprised to learn that some future dives can already be dived, or almost be dived, in some parts of the world, in 2024.
25 Future Dives is speaking to divers, snorkelers and other ocean lovers. We communicate important concepts in marine environmental science in a way that’s fun and easily comprehensible for the interested layperson, with a solid scientific basis and content.

25 Future Dives – Klaus M. Stiefel & James D. Reimer

James and me elaborating why we wrote the book:



Online Extras For Individual Chapters

Check here for a lot of extra online material going with the chapters of our book! Videos, interesting Tweets, links to the scientific literature which will further illustrate the points about the environmental problems the oceans of our planet are facing. This extra material is growing and in flow, so check back regularly!


Mosasaur encounter dive

David Attenborough speaks:


Environmental problem dives

Ocean acidification dive

Coral bleaching dive


Crown of thorns sea star dive


Plastic dive


No more sharks dive

Invasive species dive


Tropicalized dive

El Niño and Sydney Marine Life


Oxygen deficit dive

Underwater battle dive

James Bond Scuba Fight Realistic?


Endgame dives:

Asteroid impact drift dive

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