Best of Pacificklaus, Part 3
I have been writing this blog since late 2012, for 6 1/2 years, on a variety of topics ranging from scuba diving, underwater photography, travel through Southeast Asia and random stuff which came to my mind! I recently checked Google Analytics to see which blog posts where the most popular ones. It’s an interesting mix between travel writing, scuba diving physiology, parodies and some completely out-of-the-box stuff.
Today: the most popular blog posts, numbers 4 to 2:
Number 4: A lot of Cockroaches
I like to travel, and I like travel writing. Sometimes you share your hotel room with creatures you’d rather avoid.
Number 3: Snooting
There are techniques in underwater photography, and there are gimmicks. A snoot is a gimmick. I am always happy to make fun of snoots and snoot-fetishists.
Number 2 : Tec diving Physiology
A few years ago an interesting study was published which systematically explored some issues in decompression theory. It’s been widely mentioned as a justification to switch to dissolved-gas based deco models. However, reading carefully what experiments (great imo) and calculations (hmmm…) they did is of great value. This is what this blog post is about.
I also posted a link to this post in the tech diving section of Scubaboard. This certainly brought out the elite battalion of the 1st keyboard warrior brigade!
Check back next week for the very top blog post(s) on!
And, if you like my writing AND can read German, check out my newest popular science book about the very extremest extreme brain states: Gehirn Extrem