Contact & Links

You can contact me, Klaus M. Stiefel, via email

Web presence and especially social media can sometimes paint a comically distorted picture of human beings, particularly when they try to sell an image or a vibe – sometimes primarily to themselves – which is impossible to live up to in real life. I’m not trying to convince you that I’m the most hip dude there is, but my footprint on the internets gives a pretty good impression of the things which interest me and drive me:

You can find my scholarly citations on Google Scholar, some of my publications full-text on ResearchGate, my work interests and experiences at Linkedin and some of the things which relate to my photography and popular science writing on Facebook. Yes, the Facebook site is called Sex, Drugs and Scuba Diving after the first popular science book I wrote. I work with a great environmental consulting company called Blue Nomads, which have lots of interesting bathymetry images on their page. I am also involved as a guest scientist with an environmental NGO in Malapascua Island, Philippines called People and the Sea.

The majority of my nature photography, most of it underwater, is on…


Recent Awesome Shots


On YouTube, I share nature footage which I shoot in the Philippines, mostly underwater footage. This is my most popular video, where a triggerfish tries to chew my toes as punishment for intruding into its territory:


If used intelligently, Twitter can be insightful and fun. Then, it’s an opportunity to exchange information with like-minded people about shared interests and passions. I’m present on this platform as well:

And More Photography…

I also use Instagram, mostly to share shots I take with my phone. I live in the Philippines, a place with a lot of natural beauty and curious scenes for the street photographer:


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I recently started using iNaturalist, a good tool to share, map and compare photographic observations of animals and plants all over the world:

Also Interesting: My Science Family Tree

Neurotree generates a scientific family tree, with doctoral and postdoctoral advisors as ‘parents’. Fascinating to which all time greats I’m connected by just a few nodes.

And very much worth checking out: the connections of one of my more highly cited papers with a lot of other neuroscience.