New News
First of all, we still have some spots available for the Fabulous Evolution Photoganza at Evolution Diving September 13-18, in Malapascua Island, Philippines. This is a yearly underwater photo and marine biology event which I am leading. Malapascua is one of the top dive spots in Southeast Asia in my not so humble opinion – thresher sharks, manta and mobula rays, gorgeous corals, and submarine-salivation-inducing macro life. Add to that the famously warm Pinoy hospitality, and you’ll get yourself a fantastic trip. We already have an interesting group of participants, but also some places left. If you have the time and cash to make it to the ‘Pinas in September, you wouldn’t want to miss this!
Then, my epic account of all things Pacific, “Sex, Drugs and Scuba Diving” is now available as a Kindle eBook on Amazon. Only $8.23. That’s not a lot of money for sex, drugs AND some dives!
Also, all the photographs which I showed in my exhibition “Sydney and the World Underwater” are now available as high quality prints in my online photo store.
I got invited to submit some of my images, like these pretty bubble anemones, to Getty Images.

And, finally, this photograph of a Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi) and my dive buddy Russell Gilbert, MD (RCG Maru) will appear in the September issue of Modern Hawaii Luxury Magazine. Check out this upcoming issue of this fine magazine.