Support a Writer, Buy Books for Christmas!
Christmas is coming! In fact, if you live in the Philippines, things have been Christmasy since early September. But we are now nearing the final countdown of all things Christmas. Whether you are religious or not, it’s a nice tradition to give gifts to family and friends at this time of the year! Why not support an artist or writer whom you know with your Christmas shopping – me!
This is my latest book, published by Felicitas Hübner Verlag, on extreme brain states. In German! Entertaining and educational at the same time, in my opinion (Yes, I am biased, hehe):

If you’d like to read an edgy novel, check out this SciFi (or even better: Climate Fiction, CliFi) novel I wrote about Australia in a hot future:
This is the popular science book for everyone who wants to learn about photography, visual neuroscience and what links them. Written for the curious layperson, with ideas which should be thought provoking for the expert. Alo featuring some of my best photography:
Happy Christmas shopping, and many thanks if you get some of my books for your family & friends!