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Lives of Gobies OUT NOW

“The Lives of Gobies” went to print this week, which is very exciting for me!

It was a great experience to write this book. I am actively researching gobies, but I learned more about them, and managed to read up on some of the areas of goby biology which I hadn’t been that familiar with, especially the Caribbean cleaner gobies. It’s always intellectually healthy to explain topics which I think I know much about, the process of explaining works to solidify knowledge, and it gets me to ask the question “why do I believe that this is the case” often. I either can come up with a good answer rather quickly, or I have found out where I need to do more reading.

Many thanks go to Marty Snyderman for donating great images of these curious little fishes, which fill the cleaning niche which is occupied by the cleaner wrasses in the Indo-Pacific.

And also many thanks to the team of John Thet at Asian Geographic for doing an excellent job with the book, and putting my text and images in a wonderful layout. And of course many thanks to my sweetheart Glaiza for editing the book for clear language.

I will also present the highlights of goby behavior at the ADEX webinar on Thursday 4:30 pm Manila time. Check the ADEX Facebook page for the live stream.