Marine Critter Bodily Functions – Pacificklaus

Marine Critter Bodily Functions

I dive a lot and hence my body needs to function underwater. Function, including bodily functions like urinating and puking. These are functions little talked about, and not talked about during scuba classes, but mastering them when underwater is a skill. I describe the topic in some detail in this now semi-famous post:

Today I want to focus a bit on bodily functions of not scuba divers, but marine animals. I’ve also seen my fair share of these in the last few years! On this dive a green turtle left a massive souvenir for my dive buddy Matthew and myself to admire… and a sea cucumber decides to deposit a gigantic poop, in relation to its body size:


This was another feces-rich dive … this time it was not so much the amount of poop which impressed, but the animal which pooped. A pleurobranch, a relative of the more well-known nudibranch sea slugs, Euselenops luniceps, which I have only spotted a hand full of times. I only realized back on land, after looking at my macro footage, that the animal had relieved itself. Enjoy the video!

Best Fishes,
