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Werner Herzog Appreciation Video

One of the documentary directors I like most is Werner Herzog. He made a number of documentaries which are insightful and clever, and he impresses with a very thoughtful narration of these documentaries. I especially liked “Grizzly Man” and “Mein Liebster Feind”.

Check out his humorous, but at the same time really clever, rant about the stupidity of chickens. I live in a farming area, with lots of my neighbors’ chickens free running, and yes, I agree, they are monumentally stupid. Male chickens have this totally uninhibited, unreflective aggression, they can be tied to a string just meters from a fellow chicken and will fight it with no hesitation when untied. It has always struck me what unintelligent birds chickens are, in contrast to the complex and observant wild birds in the area, but I had never put it in words as well as Herzog:

The intensity of stupidity which is looking back at you is just amazing..

I’m Also Trying

I’m not claiming to be like Werner Herzog or as good as Werner Herzog as a narrator, but he is certainly a role model for me as a narrator of my underwater videos. This one has me trying to be passionate and witty, you’ll be the judge how well that went. The video certainly has interesting nudibranchs, shrimps, and seahorses.