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My Two Best Debunks

The world of popular marine biology education – “scicomm” – is a world populated by humans, with human emotions & biases. Hence it’s not a surprise that some feel-good stories circulate in this world, which are not aligned with reality, and I have debunked two of these in previous blog posts:

Flash is Okay

People think seahorses are cute, and since they are cute they must tick like cute puppies or babies. And puppies and babies (or humans in general) don’t like flashes going off into their faces. So, the same must be true for seahorses, especially the cute ones? True or not?…

Debunked: Flash Photography Kills Seahorses

Not Too High

Another feely story which is not quite based in reality is the one with dolphins getting high off pufferfish. Just that pufferfish toxin isn’t a  very good candidate for a recreational drug. The details are here:

High Dolphins?

I just recently found out that Discover Magazine featured a story with a very similar message.

Best Fishes,
