All kinds of writing

Pacificklaus News August 2018

I’m really excited about the progress of a few projects: The Shrimp Goby Page is online, a popular science resource about theĀ  symbiosis between gobies and shrimps underwater in the tropical Pacific Ocean. It’s a collaboration with artist Gera Guinto, who drew the shrimp and goby at the top of the page; she is working on a shrimp goby cartoon now!

And, of course, most excitingly, Gehirn Extrem my popular science book about extreme brain states is coming out September 20th … you can already pre-order it. If it sells well enough, an English language version is definitely a possibility.

My Youtube channel is somewhat taking off, it seems… This clip about a conflict between a few gobies just surpassed a thousand views:

Finally: I will be in Manila at the end of the month and give a lecture about shrimp gobies: