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Pacificklaus Writing Highlights 2019

I always enjoy disseminating scientific insights to the interested general public, and I had some good success in this endeavor.

I was really happy with this photo essay about the U. Philippines giant clam conservation program published by Hakai. This is a successful megafauna conservation project initiated by some real conservation visionaries. I like Hakai Magazine, they provide quality journalism, accessible to the interested layperson but scientifically super-solid and meticulously fact-checked.

I am also excited to occasionally contribute to the Austrian quality weekly “Die Furche”. The paper started as a catholic publication, but has morphed into an intellectual weekly, with an interest in a wide range of issues. Being published in Austria, it’s naturally a German language paper. This article I wrote for the Furche covers the important and under-appreciated environmental threat of ocean acidification, and this one covers the fallacies in some of the “arguments” of climate change deniers.

My most popular post on this blog was a brief essay about the plate tectonics of the Philippines, which are about as complex as it gets. Check it out, the post also features a video of the geothermal activity on my chosen home island, Negros.