Scuba Divingtravel writing

Philippines Scuba Diving FYIs

Over the years I put together a few pages worth of resources for the enthusiastic scuba traveler heading to the Philippines. This post serves to make them easily accessible in one spot. Here we go:

Dauin Dive Site Map

A map of dive sites in Dauin, the muck diving capital of the Philippines, with videos:

Dauin Dive Site Map

Philippine Dive Decider

Want to dive wrecks? See small critters? Nice reefs? Drink beer afterwards and party or chill? Then the Philippine Dive Decider can help you decide where to go. I have in fact gotten a lot of feedback to incorporate into a version 2.0. It will be impossible to capture every dive site in the country in this decider, but I think it already helps to decide between the most popular diving destinations.

Pacificklaus Philippine Dive Decider

Apo Island

How to get to the famous Apo Island, what diving to expect there, and wot are these crazy bubbles coming from the sand? Alle xplained here:

The Ultimate Apo Island Guide – Incredible Diving in the Philippines

Hope These Help,

Best Fishes,


PS: Don’t miss this new video of mine with frogfish feeding action, from a night dive near Dauin: