travel writing

Collected Philippine Travel Tips

I originally started this blog to have a home for my travel writing, which was mostly travel writing about the Philippines. Eventually somewhat of a blog mission creep set in, with me writing marine biology popular science, putting my lecture notes on there, occasionally writing a parody post, and so on … but I still do some (scuba) travel writing when I have time. So, please find here below some of my more recent travel blog posts, giving advice 1. which diving destination to pick in the Philippines 2. which dive site offer site offers what in Dauin 3. how to dive Apo Island 3. how to dive the famous Tubbataha reefs 4. and what a Philippine dream trip could look like. Enjoy! Don’t be shy to contact me if you have questions.

Pacificklaus Philippine Dive Decider

Dauin Dive Site Map

The Ultimate Apo Island Guide – Incredible Diving in the Philippines

Quick Guide to Diving Tubbataha Reefs in the Philippines

The Perfect Philippine Trip

I hope that helps!

Best Fishes,
