Underwater VideoVideography

Recent Underwater Humor

How often do I have to say this? CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR PET! It does not matter if you are keeping a dog or a hemichordate marine worm. The problem is explained in (graphic!) detail in this short video:

… the video above is obviously a parody. However, in these times of widespread short attention spans, lack of humor and lack of a the ability to put things in context, parody is often not recognized as such. I just posted this video about an hour ago, and I’m curious if I’ll get folks to take it seriously.

New Species

This is what happened with the video below, supposedly announcing the discovery of a new species, a fish which can swim uphill. It’s a joke, and the video itself even explains that it is a joke. However, many netizens will only look at the cover thumbnail of the video, or watch the first 15 seconds, and hence don’t get to the point with my ramblings about jokes and parody in the online world.

I like humor because I think laughing lights up life, and a sense of humor is a sign of intelligence and of a wise, reflective approach to life. Taking everything literally is testament to a lack of reflection, and of taking oneself too seriously. But I also think that humor can teach interesting lessons – how short attention spans have become in this age of sensory overflow.

Best Fishes,
